Saturday, June 5, 1999

For the record.

(July 2009)
I wrote what I wrote. I did what I did. I said what I said. What happened, happened.

As a general rule, I've kept the names and online aliases of others out of this, and have done my best to keep what they once confided in me out of it as well. I will continue to do so, but there is a point to this blog/project, and that requires my honesty. [If I used your name and you want it removed, just let me know in a comment, and I will do so (I screen my comments, so even that won't be seen, if you don't want it to be.), but if I once used it publicly, without protest, it will again appear in the re-post, unless you tell me otherwise.]

Yes, that was then and this is now, but "then" needs to be preserved

...for the record.