In my opinion...
It only makes sense that Weres exist. At first, when it came to mating, partners were chosen based on physical assets... the way it's most commonly done in the animal kingdom. As the human mind developed, all of a sudden the physical was not the only thing influencing the "loins". Things came into play like property and power, and the one thing that all of a sudden became important (especially as the life expectancy increased and people were spending much longer periods of time with their mates) was whether or not you could communicate, get along, and understand one another. Basically, human beings got considerably smarter and sought out mates with matching intellect. The unintelligent frequently went without a mate. This, along with the evolution of the brain, caused the birth of the Were. The Were is the branch of humanity that has control of the mind... much like the human was the branch of primate that had control of their thumbs.
The spiritual realities of the Were? That's a whole 'nother can of worms.
more on the brain...
Are you smarter than your computer?
People have been trying for years to create a machine that thinks. The major roadblock?
A computer knows only 0 or 1... on or off... open or closed...yes or no. The concept of "maybe" would cause a computer to not be able to work. Introducing that third variable would prohibit the computer from being able to answer any given question.
The nature of intelligence... what makes a person smart... is not knowing all the answers, it's this ability to conceptualize "maybe".
I bitch about a lot of things in life. (I'm a MASTER complainer.) The one thing I complain about constantly is that people have to constantly label things and can only see things in black and white. People polarize. It's always one or the other... no in between. It's black or white, male or female, right or wrong, short or tall, fat or skinny. Those who do see some in between just add another option... it becomes Tall, short, or medium... Black, white, or grey... male, female, or hermaphrodite. The concept of "continuum" is just not something people seem to get. That's why people's brains implode while attempting to answer the "question to end all questions".... "WHERE?"
Try it... where are you? I'm at my desk... in my room... in my house... in my city... in my state... in my country... on my planet... in my solar system... in my galaxy... in the universe... uh oh! Where's the universe? ummmmmmm
oh shit.... I'm lost! Where?!?!?!? WHERE am I?
The reason why it's such a brain buster is because people polarize. I'm somewhere, or I'm not. I am here... not there.
I rattle on about Weres being the next evolution... that Weres have mastered the brain... but what does that mean?
WERES UNDERSTAND "MAYBE"! ...The concept of "continuum".
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