I'm sure that it's impossible to detail the entire original conversation here... but it was a good one. It's a topic that I've often attempted to address on the boards, but it somehow ends up always branching out... going WAY off topic... usually ending up as a conversation about sex.
It was just one more conversation about labels (obviously one of my favorite things to talk about). It's about defining what is a Vampire, what is a psi-Vamp, what is a blood-fetishist, etc., etc. My own definitions may not be identical to everyone else's... but they make sense to me. I share my definitions with others in order to be understood... not in an attempt to impose them on others. By other's standards, I may be TOTALLY wrong... but that's ok... I really don't mind.
To attempt to sum it up... my definitions are as follows:
Psi-Vamp - One who requires an above average amount of Psi-energy in order to stay healthy and functioning.
Blood-Vamp - One who requires ingesting blood in order to stay healthy and functioning.
Blood-Fetishist - One who sexualizes or sensualizes blood.
I don't know that I've really met any other 100% Blood Vamps. Usually the people who dub themselves "Blood Vamp" are Psi-Vamps with a Blood fetish or a Blood/Psi combo. To derive psi energy from blood is still psi-feeding. If you can only feed in a sensual or sexual situation, then it is a fetish as well. To me, a Blood Vamp doesn't care whether the blood comes from a syringe or a cut... all that matters is the blood. It is the blood that the Blood Vamp needs... not the psi-energy, and not the interaction with the donor. (Speaking of Donors... I see most as psi-Vamps and/or Blood Fetishists as well.)
In my time online, I've not met anyone I'd dub "Blood Vamp" without adding "Blood Fetishist" or "Psi-Vamp" to that title. I've asked and asked... but it always comes down to talking with folks who are turned on by drinking or donating blood, or who crave the psi-energy they obtain from feeding along with the blood.
Perhaps I should just ask the question this way:
If you could ONLY "feed" in private, from a syringe... and the blood (although free of disease) was always from an unknown donor... would you be content? Would you even be interested in it?
By my definition, if the answer is no, then you're not 100% Blood Vamp... you also need the psi-energy and/or the sexual/sensual/intimate interaction.
My main reason for focusing on this topic is that I find NOTHING even REMOTELY sexual/sensual about blood. It's NOT a turn on. I have tried... because one partner or another was turned on by it... but even though I tried, I just could not attach the two any more than I can get turned on by eating a salad while having sex. Eating for nourishment and sex just don't mix for me... I'm just not a frequenter of the edible underwear isle. As well, I almost never psi-feed from blood, although I do know that it is possible to do. Generally speaking, if I psi-feed, I do it in other ways. I'm no more the psi-Vamp than the average person (and I do believe that all people psi-feed, although not all are psi-Vamps). Basically... I'm a Blood Vamp. It irks me when I have to engage in intimate contact in order to get blood... I'm not a physically intimate person. It's usually a trade off... I get the blood and pacify the Blood fetishist or Psi-Vamp that is my donor... it's often that feeding ends up draining me of psi-energy, not the other way around. I feel better on a physical level after ingesting blood... but most often NOT on a psi-energy level. It's rare that I come across a donor that will just give me blood without expecting anything in return, although I've come across a few. If nothing else, they expect me to become close to them. They refuse to just be a hamburger.
Blood is blood. If you attach anything to it, it's you doing the attaching. It's no more powerful in and of itself than the average Big Mac is to a hungry person. To me, all the stuff that has been attached to blood is just romanticizing and holding on to old traditions and superstitions. Yes, blood keeps people alive... but so does skin... so does water... so do a lot of things. Whether it's about vitamins or anything else, to me, a Blood Vampire is a person who is much healthier because of ingesting it. There are other aspects of being a Vampire... things on the mental and spiritual levels, but that's another can of worms. On the physical level... that need for blood AS FOOD is what causes me to dub one a Blood Vampire.
1 comment:
A lot of sangs zonk out after feeding. I think their body just needs to rest and process everything. It certainly does not mean their donor was taking their energy, lol.
Most donors have an abundance of psychic energy, even sang donors--they certainly are not psi-vamps. ^_^
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