Here's your warning:
This is a VERY angry vent on issues having to do with Gender, Sex, and Sexuality. If you don't want to read about these things, then hit your back button. If you're tired of hearing my shit on this, hit your back button. Basically, if you don't want to read it... Don't.
I'm foaming at the mouth. It happens when I have to pick at scabs. It happens when I have to be the one to educate people who are much more content being ignorant than opening their minds and becoming a little more accepting.
I just don't get it. To me it is SO simple. People are people and they have the right to be who they are, call themselves what they want, and not be discriminated against for it. I'm SO sick of people who view Transgendered people, Transvestites, Hermaphrodites, and Intersexed people as if they are diseased. "Oh... you should TELL people! OH! That's LYING!!!!" FUCK YOU!!!! Are you lying because you neglected to mention that mole on your elbow?!?! Are you lying because your dick is a little smaller than average? Who are you to say that it is a person's responsibility to tell you their entire life history and detail what is in their pants before kissing you?!?! Are you going to contract some sort of deadly illness from them? It's NO ONE'S responsibility to tell you anything! If you're THAT fucking concerned about your ego, ASK!
A woman is a woman! I don't care whether she's short a breast, or plus a testicle! If you view her as less of a woman or as some sort of FREAK because of that, then that's your own fucking ego problem!
Then there are the wonderful caring people who LOVE to say, "Oh, the whole world is not out to get you!" and "Why do you have to bring this up all the time?" and "Why can't you let it go, you're making much more of an issue about it than anyone else is!" WHAT A FUCKING CROCK OF SHIT!!!!
You try it... try fearing being arrested or humiliated every time you have to use the bathroom and are not alone in your own home! You try just going out to a bar and being stared at and whispered about the whole night. You try fearing for your life every time you walk down the street. You try wondering whether a person actually loves you or whether they're with you just because they have a fetish for freaks! You try being petrified of cops and doctors and nurses to the point of preferring death to contact with any of them! You try being a medical experiment all your life! You try being forced to cross dress until you can get the hell out of the house you're being "raised" in. You try being told that you're mentally infirm because you know who you are! You try being mutilated at birth and NOT holding a fucking grudge! You try choosing to express yourself by wearing clothing that society deems you cannot wear because of what is in your pants, risking your life by leaving the house in it, and then having to listen to people who tell you that you must be a "sissy" or a "fag"! Do you REALLY think that you have more balls than a man who chooses to wear "women's" clothing because he likes the way it makes him feel? I DARE you to try it for even a week!
Yeah... it's a CHOICE, right?!?!? What the fuck is your problem?!! Is insulin a CHOICE? Is Chemo? Is breathing?! Do you REALLY think that a person would endure (not to mention sacrificing everything in order to pay for) the tortures of electrolysis, removing body parts, risking their jobs, their spouses, their children, and risking humiliation and a life of fear for the rest of their life BY CHOICE!!?!?!? What do you think the choice is? Where's the CHOICE?!?!
Do you REALLY think that people "do this just to get attention"?!?!? Do you REALLY think that this sort of life is EASY?!?!? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE MENTAL ANGUISH EVER STOPS FOR A FUCKING INSTANT?!?!?!??!
Think what you want, just stay the hell away from me, because I'm a HELL of a lot stronger than you will EVER be and my words are NOT my only asset.
i'll never tire from reading this - it's about as close to perfection as any rant can be.
Your words make me feel most honored, Nexy. Thank you.
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