Wednesday, December 12, 2001

The 12 days of presents!

(12/11/01 7:10pm)
Tell Sandy Claws what you want on each day. He'll spend the given amount of money, but sorry, Sandy won't give you the cash (or bonds or stocks or stuff like that), but gift certificates are ok, provided you tell him what you're using the gift certificate for, and that all the gifts are for you and only you. (He's like that Genie, giving only three wishes and demanding that you can't wish for more wishes.)

Day one, Sandy will spend $1 - $5 (American money, because Sandy is currency impaired) on you.
Day 2 - $5 - $15
Day 3 - $15 - $25
Day 4 - $25 - $50
Day 5 - $50 - $100
Day 6 - $100 - $500
Day 7 - $500 - $1,000
Day 8 - $1,000 - $5,000
Day 9 - $5,000 - $10,000
Day 10 - $10,000 - $25,000
Day 11 - $25,000 - $75,000
Day 12 - $75,000 - $100,000

1- 5 Super6 lottery tickets please (one a week for 5 weeks)
2 - One case of Miller Lite (30 pack - cans)
3 - A new Zippo lighter (something with a skull on it would be nice)
4 - Cigarettes please, 13 packs of American Spirit Medium box
5 - Sushi dinner
6 - Gift certificate - Borders. I need a lot of books on home improvement, and I wouldn't mind a CD or two.
7 - Gift certificate - Sears (I could really use some shelves... and a new Winter coat... maybe a bed?)
8 - Gift certificate - Staples. I need computer shtuff, and a desk chair.
9 - Doctors fees for fixing my skin
10 - Gift Certificate - Sam Ashe (stuff to put in the home studio I'll build)
11 - Gift certificate - Home Depot (stuff to build up the fixer upper I'll be able to get for under 100K)
12 - Home in NE Philly - close to shopping and transportation, single home, basement, in ground pool, fixer upper (if necessary).

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