Wednesday, March 27, 2002


ok, this might be a little complicated, but I want to give it a shot...


A = the year. Start with the year of your birth and then, on the next line, go to the next year.
B = What first comes to mind.

The Question:

When I hear _______(A), I think ________(B).

1969 - I was born
1970 - My sister was born
1971 - I think I had my tonsils out that year.
1972 - I think that was the year I got Chicken Pox.
1973 - I watched a lot of Sesame Street.
1974 - Moved to Israel
1975 - Earliest remembered sexual experience
1976 - Mrs. Marks, my first and second grade teacher.
1977 - The fire. (7 alarm - Apartment building I lived in)
1978 - The lost year. (That year seems to be a blur to me)
1979 - I started middle school.
1980 - John Lennon died. (It, for some odd reason, profoundly affected me.)
1981 - Started smoking
1982 - My brother was born
1983 - Discovered "Punk"
1984 - Left home
1985 - K. (My first serious relationship)
1986 - D. (Love of my life)
1987 - Graduated High School
1988 - Moved to Kentucky
1989 - Discovered the Gay community and the joy of being a barfly
1990 - C. (We were the terror twins)
1991 - Work (I was working my butt off that year)
1992 - L. (Soulmate.)
1993 - Breakdown
1994 - Hospital
1995 - Name change
1996 - Back to school
1997 - Cocaine
1998 - My "Goddaughter" was born
1999 - Discovered the Internet
2000 - Lived in webville
2001 - Trapped in the suburbs
2002 - still living it.

added note:
I tried to list the very first thing that popped into my head, but I'd be lying if I said that certain years aren't simply triggers for about 200 pages worth of SHTUFF. ...hey, if I listed everything, I'd have that book I'm always saying I'm working on, and I don't really want to post that here.

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