Being a feminist might not mean being a man hater, but many (if not most) women who wear the feminist label are.
I think that it links to the reasons why a person associates themself with a "movement" or chooses a label in the first place. Many, if not most, women choose feminism because of being personally negatively affected by men. It only makes sense that while reclaiming power, one holds a grudge against the group they hold responsible for taking that power in the first place.
The problems happen (at least, in my life) when labels are assigned, rather than selected by the person wearing them. Person that hurt me = Man = beard = Follows Ravens, for example.
Although feminists can be viewed as people who are "truly accepting of (which also means not threatened by or reactionary to or gently condescending of) women as people.", because of the fact that feminism continues to dichotomize sex and gender, it only serves (in my opinion) to continue the "reign of the patriarchy".
I'm sure that no matter what the group attempting to "reclaim power", the same complaints can be made. The United Negro College fund REALLY pisses off poor white kids. Seems to me that in doing exactly what those you're against did to you and others like you makes you just as bad as them... if not worse. "You're" supposed to know better.
It appears that in this society, the methods of reclaiming power mirror the methods used in the previous loss of power. I guess you go with what you know.
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