Sex           | Gender
Male         | Masculine (man)
Female      | Feminine (woman)
Intersexed | Androgynous (androgyne)
If we use the standard definitions, however wrong we know they are in theory, and Male = XY, Female = XX and Intersexed = XXY, that would make, for example, a Masculine Female, a Feminine Male, a Masculine Intersexed, or a Feminine Intersexed person, "transGENDERed". It would also make "Transsexual" impossible.
If we go with what we know to be true about sex (that it's more of a continuum), then we can use the term "Transsexual" and move vertically on the left hand side of the chart. Being that very few "Intersexed" people are raised "Intersexed", there is still motion on that side for them. This would make them "Transsexual". Too, being that at various points in transition, transsexuals are often Intersexed before and during settling into "male" or "female", that would make many Transsexuals "Intersexed".
In truth, I think that both "Intersexed" and "Transsexual" are social constructs, because I think that "sex" is a social construct... unless you determine sex solely by chromosomes. The second you bring more than one factor into determining sex, you cannot determine it. One thing that both terms have in common is that they assume 2 or 3 sexes, as opposed to a continuum. So, in essence, neither exist. Everyone is "Intersexed"... but the term isn't accurate. "Sex" doesn't even exist.
The problem is that with attempting to label something that doesn't really exist, all you have are labels (words). It takes people to define those labels by wearing them... and that makes them... social constructs.
The way I see it, you're "Transsexual" if you and/or OTHER PEOPLE once saw or still see you as a sex other than the sex you say you are. You are "Intersexed" if you and/or OTHER PEOPLE feel that you have stereotypical aspects of both/all recognized sexes (including chromosomes). That would make all Transsexuals "Intersexed", and (with the exception of maybe a handful) all Intersexed people, "Transsexual".
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