Monday, December 16, 2002

not sleeping

I've had a "sleep disorder" forever, it seems.

I used to think that I slept like most people, but the more I asked around, the more I understood that I didn't.

I sleep like a cat (or a dog...etc.) I nap. If I say that I slept for 8 hours, that usually means 3 or 4 naps.

I used to think it was normal.

You know what happens when you don't sleep for 27 (or so) years?


1 comment:

nexy said...

i don't know that i've ever slept 8 hours straight. even as a child, i'd wake up once or twice during the night. now, as an adult (if one can call me that), i'm lucky if i can go 4 hours without waking up. and it's rare that after that first "long" stretch of sleep, that i'll go even 2 more hours without waking up. and it seems to get shorter and shorter as the night wears on.

my version of "sleeping in" means that i cat nap for 10 to 15 minutes at a time for the last 2 hours of my time in bed. and i'll be up for at least 15 minutes to an hour between those naps.

you may not be "normal", but you're not alone.