sorry. I'm an alcoholic, so the question is sort of funny.
Actually I'm reducing my alcohol intake by leaps and bounds. I'm down to about 4 light beers a day. (Not too bad, when only two months ago I was at 9 or so regulars.)
I've always had a very high tolerence to alcohol. When I was in my teens I regularly killed about about a fifth of one liquor or another in one sitting (the Speed probably helped with that). By 30 I'd burned my stomach out. fun fun fun.
It probably wouldn't take all that much to get me drunk right now, because of the last couple of months... but even while I was drinking heavily... if you really want to get piss drunk, there's one sure-fire recipe:
Drink about half a bottle of beer, then fill the space up with red wine. Drink swiftly... and voila!
Things that aid in the quest for drunkeness:
Speed (not as in the drug, as in drink fast)
Mixing (as opposed to your laundry, mix your lights with your darks)
Empty Stomach (don't eat or drink for about 12 hours, that usually does it)
I don't recommend becoming an alcoholic though. It's expensive, and it really does a number on your stomach.
..oh, and the beer gut... that's the WORST.
I'm about 5 ft 6 in., and had a 38 inch waist. Tipped the scales at 165 lbs (in my underoos!).
That's really what got me started on cutting down on the beer. The doc said "You're getting fat".
I started working out that day.
I'm at 155 and 35 inches now. I gots a ways to go.
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