In your opinion, what are the primary differences between a "clique" and a "pack"?
In your experience, are most groups of "Weres" in fact, cliques? Does this apply only to online packs?
A thought: A clique doesn't usually refer to themselves as a "clique". Usually, they say they're "friends". I think that "clique" is a term used to describe others. You'd not look at a group of people and call them a "pack"... unless they self identified as such.
I think that perhaps the difference is in the members... I honestly think that a "Were's" sense of family is much different than a non-Were. A person (non-Were) in a clique would put their family first, their friends second. Weres put pack first because their pack is their family. (Am I off in this belief?)
This leads to my wondering how online packs can exist. Without physical, face to face, interaction, how can things like "dominance" be established and/or maintained? How can one "be there" for their pack mates if they are (in many cases) hundreds of miles away? Other than being "exclusive" on websites, which is rather clique-like, how does an online "pack" distinguish itself? How does this behavior cause other people to not see them as simply a clique?
starting to ramble...
stopping here
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