There were actually a couple of Hobbit dudes at the Con. We were behind them in the line (from hell) while picking up our badges.
I'm certainly more the Elf than the Hobbit. I'm short, but not that short.
On a serious note, I do actually own a 6 foot (Oak, I think) fighting stick. Even as a kid I'd always find tall sticks to carry around. (Used one on some kid who was bothering my sister when I was about 7 or 8. I think I got in trouble for that.) Used to own a couple of swords, and had a rather nifty knife collection. Too, I was rather good at archery as a kid. The taller the person, the longer the arms though... with swords, it's just an issue of range - provided you're equally matched in skill and weaponry.
Character-wise (after all, this is all about costumes), I'd sooner go for the "Gladiator" type costume than the "LOTR" type costume. If I could develop the physique for it, of course. A short sword is fine, and maybe a spear?
A few things which have caught my eye:
Roman Late Cavalryman (this one seems pretty fitting)
Roman Imperial Legionary (1st century AD - in lorica hamata)
Just as a side note, there is a Centurion guarding my door. Well, a statue of one, anyway. He's sort of squatting, and is about 2 feet tall. I call him "Rommy", short for Romulus... even though I have no clue as to why I named him this.
I'm sure it's one of those past-life things... but I've never explored it.
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