Last night's session didn't go as it usually does. I was too tired and in the middle of an allergy attack.
It's often my therapist who brings it to my attention that I've come into another "cycle", as we've come to call it. It's difficult for me to tell sometimes. All I know is that I change... or change back, depending on how you look at it. I have little shifts and big ones. I can switch mid-sentence, or be gone for a year. At the same time though, it's all me. I'm always there, I just change form inside, so to speak.
It really is difficult explaining the whole DID thing to people. I barely understand it myself. I can use metaphor after metaphor, but they don't seem to encapsulate what this whole thing is about, really. They just give a hazy picture of it. To others, it seems like I have multiple personalities. No, I didn't say that I seem moody, big difference there. Thing is though, it's always me. I'm just, well... multiple. I'm one and many at the same time.
Sort of like God?
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