Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February 14, 2006

8:45 AM - 2/14/06
~Fading Rainbows

I've been sort of messy these last few days. Between the MS symptoms, dealing with doctors, friends and family, appointments, and ~blog... I guess that I just haven't been in the best writing space.

I know that, eventually, things will settle, ~blog-wise. It's just frustrating right now, because it takes a lot of energy just to write. The changes are more than a little overwhelming to me.

Neurodude (finally) called yesterday around 6pm. I had the MRI done around 4pm. Also got to take a look at the Radiologist's report from the other night. Apparently, there are 2 new lesions, and one more that showed up when he did the comparison to the previous MRI. That makes 3 new lesions in the last 2 months. The report also made mention of Optic Neuritis, although the nerve isn't currently lighting up on the MRI. What that comes down to is that my right eye is, most likely, permanently screwed up.

After talking with Neurodude for a bit, we settled on my not going in for a treatment this week. It was his opinion that, given everything, it probably wouldn't do me much good. He said that he'll call, after getting the T-Spine report, and we can think on it more then. In his opinion, the t-spine will, most likely, be clear... that, usually, if the c-spine is clear, so is the t-spine. I'm anything but "usual" though, so I guess we'll see. He also mentioned that there hasn't been any real research on whether or not Copaxone can help with Progressive forms of MS... at which point I delayed my bitch-slapping him with a more polite comment, along the lines of "no thank you.". Over the last couple of years, through FallenSnow and her friends, I've developed a new love for guinea pigs. I'm just not one of them.

There's a Cyndi Lauper concert on VH1 Classic, tonight. That makes me smile. I have disgusting amounts of respect for that woman... and simply put, SHE ROCKS. She makes my ears happy. ...and my ear bone's connected to my brain bone, and my brain bone's connected to my heart bone...

8:55 AM - 2/14/06
Just an idea

Maybe I can keep this blog as a place to bitch about my ~blog. It's so darn public... sometimes I just need a place to blow off some steam about things going on with it.

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