Wednesday, August 8, 2001

on cloning (an outburst) - cont'd

ok... for the record, what I wrote previously was written in response to the government officials who want to make cloning human beings illegal. I wouldn't post an open topic and tell people to shut up. That's not what I'm about at all. It was sort of like yelling at the tv screen.

This is the way I see it...

This is a perfect example of 2 things. 1. Patriarchy, and 2. No separation of church and state.

People are talking about God and what they believe to be God's law in all of this. That should not be considered in law making. Laws should exist to punish people who willingly hurt other people. Cloning won't hurt anyone. There are plenty of "birth defects" in pregnancies already. Should we make pregnancy illegal?

I think that the boys in charge are damn scared of advances in the field of genetics. Why? Because one day it might be possible to not need sperm. They'll support research for an artificial womb before supporting something that might make sperm unnecessary.

For the record, if I was in a better financial place and had a wife, I'd love for her to carry my clone or splice her DNA with mine and carry the child. It's the ONLY way I'll ever be able to have a child of my own. Adoption is always an option, but it is WAY different. It takes a very special person to raise an adopted child, and it's possible that I may choose to take on that responsibility myself one day... but it's DIFFERENT. Being adopted adds challenges that aren't there with biological children. Challenges that I'm not sure that I could handle emotionally. Either way though, if it could be possible for me to have a child that was biologically mine, I'd want to have that option open to me.

I'd also love to see people growing new arms, legs, breasts, fingers, toes, vital organs.... people shouldn't have to suffer if there's an alternative... and most people I know would gladly risk new/unapproved methods in order to feel "normal" again and have a happier life.

It just seems as if the people in charge are making decisions based on what allows them to keep power, and not on what will most benefit people as a whole.


Yes... it makes me nervous... and I DO think there should be some laws... again... to protect people from harm/abuse, etc.

For example, if you clone me without permission, you should be prosecuted. If you treat a clone as anything other than human, you should be prosecuted...

The possible organ market... the classist potential... the potential of giving people another "thing" to hate... yes, that worries me too... but...

I don't think that cloning should be declared illegal.

(and personally... I think they've already done it. It takes 15 years for the government to let new technologies hit the masses. In my opinion, they've already succeeded and this is ALL about power, money, and control.)

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