If you have the money now, buy the tickets now. That's my take on it. I'm getting things in advance not just to save money, but to keep a lit fire under my ass. If I don't save the rest, then I'll be wasting the ticket... and that's something I'll try even harder not to do.
I'm trying to see it as: there's not 9 months for things to go wrong, there's 9 months to make sure they go right. I made a commitment... to myself, and to A2, and to everyone else who might show up. Hell, if w. can try to make it from NORWAY, I can sure as shit try to make it from Pennsylvania.
Life sucks. My life sucks. If I've got to live Dragon Con to Dragon Con, then so be it. At least it keeps be going.
All that to say... buy the ticket!!!!! (This is me being selfish, but...) I really want to meet you, J2!
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