9:05 AM - 1/15/06
~This is NOT what I paid for.
I am SO incredibly PISSED OFF at ~blog right now. My apologies to everyone who reads my blog. I had no choice in this mess. I can't even fix it right now. Can't find anything. If I move from ~blog, I'll make sure to leave a message here.
9:26 AM - 1/15/06
You know, with me, it's not that ~blog just messed with my blog... ~blog just messed with MY LIFE. It's not just about being used to the way it was, it's that I no longer have the ability to FUCKING DEAL WITH THIS!!!!!!!! If this was ~blog when I signed up, I'D NEVER HAVE PUT MY BLOG HERE!!!!!!! AND it's NOT 6:30 in the MORNING WHERE THE FUCK DO I CHANGE THE MOTHERFUCKING TIME?????? WHERE THE FUCK DO I DO ANYTHING?????? I CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET SPACES IN BETWEEN MY HURLINGS OF SHIT!!!!!!
11:27 AM - 1/15/06
~still ticked off
I'll say this much... If I don't leave ~blog after this mess, then I'll be here until I croak.
I REALLY wish I had that bottle of Scotch now.
...and the time is still wrong. My time is eleven something.
4:27 PM - 1/15/06
I can barely see this. (as I type it!)
I'm trying my best to calm down about this whole thing. I guess that I'm just not good with surprises.
If I don't figure out how to change the size of this font (the way I see it while I'm writing in the posting window), I'm screwed.
10:12 PM - 1/15/06
~heavy lids
I'm starting to calm down a bit. Whatever happens, I'll get used to it. Eventually, I'll make this page make more sense... operate better.
I'm tired and hungry. I've spent way too much time in front of the computer today. My back hurts.
I suppose that tomorrow is another day... and the day after that is another one...
I'll adapt. I always do. I may bitch REALLY loud, but eventually I deal.
This is life.
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