12:30 PM - 1/28/06
~Chucks to be Cutter
Although I'm glad that I'm not in the hospital, the fact that I really should be is a little upsetting.
I spent a good deal of time, last night/early this morning, worrying about this whole thing. My legs just quit, and that just made the head start spinning. Even more so than the eye, if the legs go, I don't know what's going to happen. I can exist in my apartment, but I won't be able to leave the apartment without a chair. I don't know how to go about getting a chair without going into the hospital.
The fact is that over the last 12 hours, I've had to do a wee bit too much crawling. I got some sleep, and that seems to have helped. I've only been out of bed for about half an hour though. I worry about taking a shower. I desperately need one. I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow, but I don't look forward to it.
That's one of the standard AVOID things for people with MS... hot showers. That and stress. In the world of Cutter, there has always been an abundance of both.
The short of what happened last night is that Dr. J., Neurodude's stand-in, told me that he called the ER, and that they were expecting me. Everything was in order so that I'd be admitted relatively quickly. The only reason I have to go through the ER is because they no longer do "direct admits" into the hospital. Everyone has to come in through the ER.
RavensWings came to the rescue, and picked me and my bag up. I don't know what time we actually got to the ER, but I think that we left here around 6 something, and the hospital is right down the road. When it hit about 10:30, I was in danger of letting Nessie loose. So, we left, with barely a glance from any of the staff there.
I called the hospital when I got in, and they patched me through to the Neuro Resident on call, who freaked and begged me to come back in... that she would take care of everything... that the ER should have known... that all the info was sent to them... is it possible to come in tomorrow morning?... that she'll talk with Dr. J., who will be on in the morning, and let him know everything... that I have to come in for the treatment... the tests aren't important... blah blah blah. I left it at, "please tell Neurodude to call me when he comes in on Monday.".
RavensWings left, and Bunny and I settled in to watch Donnie Darko on BRAVO. It was on twice, back to back. Good thing, even as cut up and edited as it was, as I couldn't sleep, but there's something odd about watching that movie while having hallucinations yourself.
I have no clue what in hell I'm supposed to do now.
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