Wednesday, July 3, 2002

(My board (Admin.) - "titles")

I knew this would come up eventually.

Yes, you become a member after 1,000 posts... with 4 exceptions. J. had to re-register her account because it is a local account, but, her original post count did put her over 1,000. Also, my blood relatives are "Members".

I didn't want to post this info, because I didn't want people to be posting just to up their post count. I could post smilies for a few hours and manage to rack up a few hundred posts.

I could fix it so that after 200, you become a "grape", 400 a pickle, 750 a kiwi and 1,000 a full fledged tidy-bowl man... but with custom titles, it's up to me to enter them manually. Call me bitter, but from experience, I'm not doing anyone any favors who is going to eventually disappear, stab me in the back, or ruin the board. I just figured that after 1,000 posts, if you're still here, you're not going anywhere. If someone tries to post 1,000 smilies, I'll go out of my way... to ban them.

Titles imply preference, in a way, and I was hesitant to even create 2 (3 including my own). Often, preference either makes people bitter, or makes them compete. As well, when a new member comes to the board, they should show equal respect to all people, not just the ones with apparent preference. The "rank" thing didn't work out. The reason why? I'm a sucker. I try to be fair to everyone, and in doing that, open not only myself, but everyone else, to being attacked.

Do I know who I can "trust" at this point? Yes, but if I show preference to those people (give out titles), I have to deal with the bitterness of others... and that bitterness can be pretty painful.

When it comes down to it... I'm just not the best "administrator". The position requires... honestly... coming off as "the bad guy". As much as I flap my gums/fingers about not caring that people think I'm an asshole, it really does sort of bug me when people I care about think that. Even enforcing my own rules seems to be something that I have to push myself to do. I don't know if it's that I'm too nice, or just not assertive enough.

(Yeesh, you ask a simple question....)

I'm open to suggestions, I guess. It's really not in me to say, "This is the way it is... deal with it." Titles are fun, and yes, there is a big part of me that wants people to know who means the world to me and who I barely know... but I'm really trying to be fair. (Call it a character flaw)


I'm open to suggestions, advice, criticism, etc.

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