Do YOU smoke- and if so, How long have you been a smoker? What got you to start smoking- and have you ever tried to stop? (Or want to)
Yes, I do smoke. I've smoked since about the age of 12 (20 years or so), but didn't become a hard core smoker until I was about 14.
I quit smoking once.
It was the worst 8 hours of my life.
Seriously though, other than sleeping, and the times where I was in the hospital and not allowed to smoke, I only once considered quitting. It was because my girlfirend hated it. I lasted a few hours, then came to my senses.
If you love me, you love a smoker.
Aside from that, the only reason I occasionally consider quitting is the price... but in truth, I'll be a homeless smoker before I quit. Smoking is one of the few things that I actually enjoy in this life... there's no way I'll stop doing one of the few things which brings me any happiness.
On the health angle... if it hurts, I won't do it.
If you do not smoke- does it bother you to be around a smoker/ could you stand to have a smoker as your life-mate? Is there a reason why you would never smoke or do not smoke?
To address the "second hand smoke" issue...
It even bothers me. There's something about second hand smoke that's a lot worse than the actual smoking of the cigarette. I try to respect people's space. (I even have a non-smoking room in my apt.)
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