I watched "The Song Remains The Same", and now I'm watching "Godspell". AMC has continuous music movies on.
"Godspell" is eerie. Lot's of WTC shots in it. There were some in The Song Remains The Same, but somehow they weren't as eerie.
I wish I had some blank tapes. I really want to tape "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "A Star Is Born", and then there's a thing on from 6 - 8 narrated by Bowie. I guess that one day I can buy the first two, but I don't think that I could the Bowie thing. I'll use up 2 of my hours on taping that. The other 2 I'm saving for a couple episodes of ER that are coming up soon.
I hope that I can get in touch with L. soon. She's supposed to bring over my case of beer for me. Until she does, I'm left trying to stay awake.
It's cool that I'll get to watch some good movies, but I know that soon I'll be really tired, and I'll struggle trying to watch them.
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