Thursday, September 8, 2005

610am090805 ~comments

From "Perspective".

you sound stoned! but i know this feeling... completely detatched from that realm everyone else keeps referring to as reality... and im sure that they must be deluded because i feel so heavy and am so truely feeling all that i am feeling...

this is normally when something goes drastically wrong pretty quickly for me and the adrenaline brings me back out just before i go under... and if nothing happens... i know i have to get out.. break that issolation... even if its just going for a work to get the paper or something... is there something like that that u could do?

(my reply)
I took my shot yesterday, and it seems to have helped a bit with feeling tired. The problems with perception, and my eyes, are MS related, so there's really not too much I can do but ride things out when they happen. :\

good to hear the shot helped with energy! does that mean it helps lift ur mood too?
sorry to hear the perception thing is more of a constant. but just think...other ppl have to pay heaps of $$ to get the same affects.... :/

(my reply)
The shots do seem to help with the depression. Getting the hot flashes to stop is also another bonus, and they bump up my immune system too.

I think that my shots are the only thing that have kept me alive this long, all sex and gender issues aside.

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