The sun just came up. Well... sort of. It just got light out. I can't really see the actual sun yet.
Passed out with the tv on, last night. Woke up to the news... something about CA and the whole Gay marriage thing. Figures, the Terminator has a say in people's lives. Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life? I think that I came to the conclusion, a while back, that the answer is "Yes, No, Both, Neither, and Who the hell cares".
I'm feeling a bit of that today... apathy. I guess I just feel tired. If I'm lucky, I'll have it in me to get a damn shower today. Showering shouldn't feel like a chore, but with me, it often does. It wasn't always this way. I'm a hygiene freak. Two showers a day was not unusual, in the past. They say that it's normal with MS though... the fatigue. Sometimes I can't even hold my cup to drink. My arms get too tired. Resting my face in my plate while I'm eating, often occurs to me.
Tomorrow is "shot day". Maybe that will help. Sometimes it does. I know I'm due, that's for sure. I've been getting hot flashes for two days now. Hot flashes suck. They're par for the course though, I guess. When the hormone level hits "E", it just happens. I'm pretty sure that the heat in the room I was recently staying in destroyed my Testosterone stash. It was often about 100 degrees in that room. It probably ruined it. That's why it's wearing off so fast. Ticks me off a little. I won't have the money to replace it if I lose my prescription coverage in December, like BushyWushy seems to want me to. I can't make heads or tails out of the whole Medicare drug thing. To me, all it looks like is that I'm screwed. Oh well, the State can just pay for another hospital admission afer I use up the last of my Inderal.
Time will tell. Right? It'll be an adventure. Yeah. Right. Fuck you.
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