Sunday, November 6, 2005

622am110605 ~comments

(in "Home Oh")

by Txxxxxxxxxx 11.05.05 4:59am
Talk of food and home.
Doesn't *sound* too lonely.. but it kind of feels it.

As always, thank you for making me sit down and think a while.. about you, about these places, and about myself.

by Jxxxxx 11.06.05 6:00 am
I hear that loud and clear! I miss bunny and you. I hate not being able to walk over and see you, well the gayborhood is still hear and you are still a part of it. It may have seemed things have change but they really have not. We still stained ever brick and pissed and laughed on every street. Where's Guilles? I still think about putting my finger in his nose.

Reply to Txxxxxxxxxx 11.06.05 6:22 am
It can be lonely, sometimes... but generally, I like solitude in my home. I go out, when I want to be around people. My home is like the bedroom, the rest of the world is the living room.

...if that's what you meant.

Reply to Jxxxxx 11.06.05 6:23 am
Giles is doing well. He lives about a half hour away with good friends. ;)

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