Wednesday, December 14, 2005

December 14, 2005

7:36 AM - 12/14/05
~200mg I am

It'll probably be another day of bed for me, at least until I get to the point where I can manage my shot.

Drug dependent. Product of my society. It's no wonder I'm so anti-societal.

2:27 PM - 12/14/05
~it is accomplished

Well, it took me 3 hours, but it's done. I can officially print, copy, and scan things.

I've got some serious catching up to do... over a year's worth.

I think that the next thing I should invest in is a few ink cartridges.

8:28 PM - 12/14/05

Just figured out, last night, that what brings your ranking on the "Hot Blogs" list up, are comments. That's why people play "comment tag", so to speak. I never knew that. I'm just impressed that I own the market on "There was a Root Beer can next to my bed.", on Google. Competition! The other white meat! Stupid shit. Wish people put as much energy into the content of their blogs as they do into getting their ranking up.

Wish I weren't so stressed about tomorrow. If I weren't, I'd probably laugh harder at the Root Beer thing.

I still have a little wine. I think that I'll finish the jug and try to pass out. Tomorrow will be a long day.

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