Monday, December 5, 2005

December 5, 2005

9:35 AM - 12/5/05

So, I'm thinking that Monday (the 12th) I could get a printer? I think that if we do that first, before the foodstore, it might work out ok, stamina-wise. Possible?

11:18 AM - 12/5/05
~this stinks

Again, four days without a shower. Joy. Well, helps with the laundry anyway. I haven't been able to do the laundry, so if I were actually changing my clothes, I'd be out of clean clothes by now.

At least I made some food today. That hasn't been do-able lately either.

I'm trying not to get too depressed, but with depression, there's little choice involved. When it hits, it hits. I think it's hitting... starting to beat the shit out of me actually. MS beats me up, which depresses me, which makes the MS worse, which feeds the depression, on and on and on... I think that's why I sometimes like being angry... it's a much more active state to be in. If I get pissed off enough, sometimes I can ride the anger around the building, in order to take out my trash. Depression just keeps me in bed, stinking.

"Depression is anger turned inward." I suppose. I wonder what "Rage turned inward" is. Apathy? Maybe. I don't know... and honestly, I just don't care right now.

3:05 PM - 12/5/05
More than 3 sentences?

I think this has to be my favorite emoticon of all time.

3:07 PM - 12/5/05


this hurts!


4:22 PM - 12/5/05
~Not that funny

Got stuck in a laughing fit, earlier. It's weird... happens with crying sometimes too, albeit rare... just comes on and leaves when it wants. From what I read, it's an MS thing. woohoo

Maybe it's about extremes... the whole "raw nerve" thing. When you're angry, you're ANGRY. When you're sad, you're SAD. When you're laughing, you're LAUGHING. I don't know. Sometimes I can figure this disease out, sometimes I have no clue. The genius or the idiot... more extremes.

I feel sort of tired. I did actually manage to get a shower and take the trash out. Nessie fell in the snow, but other than that, it was uneventful. Maybe the hot shower is what sent me into the laughing fit though. That's when it started. Once it calmed down, I noticed that my head was hot... temperature-wise. That happens when things are flaring. My head literally feels hot to the touch. Pretty freaky.

I guess that I'll know on Friday. I'm about 90% sure that I'm still cooking myself, but seeing the pictures is something I need. I'm prone to paranoia. Better to always check my "instincts".

Pulled a few tarot cards today. Not good. Makes me nervous. Nothing really positive at all. I think I'm better off not reading. If shit's going to happen, it's going to happen. If I know about it first, all it does is add "worry" into the whole thing. My readings have been completely off in the past. Hopefully this one was too.

4:31 PM - 12/5/05
The hit count (5)

Latest count is 42,181

The Hot Blogs list has been non-functional all day, but last I checked, I was at #5.

8:38 PM - 12/5/05

Yeah, now I'm back at really pissed.

Life is fun.

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