(I replied to a board post)
I don't do IMs or Chats. Can't manage to keep up with them. As overwhelmed as I can get from something as simple as a post or an e-mail, IMs are like that, only a bunch of them every minute.
9:44 AM - 12/27/05
So, tomorrow is my EEG. I know nothing about what this test entails, other than it takes an hour and I should wear comfortable clothes. Ok, I also know that they stick electrodes to my head and watch my brain waves do the Macarena, but really, that's about it.
I'm sure it'll make me nuts. I hate having tests done if I don't get to know the results immediately. It's probably one of those tests where they tell you to contact your doctor for the results. In my case, that's like pulling a horse out of my ass. Contact Neurodude. Right.
I guess I can tell what sort of mood I'm in.
Think I'll go watch ER.
12:20 PM - 12/27/05
It annoys me when people can't be bothered to spell out the word "because", and use "b/c", and other crap along those lines. Too, things that aren't typed out with a little bit of time and effort, reek of low self esteem. ...and if a person can't take the time to read over what they write, why should I take the time to read it either?
3:01 PM - 12/27/05
~not good
I keep fucking up with my meds. I completely blanked out this morning. I don't remember taking my Lamictal, but I wrote down that I did. I remember writing it down, I just don't remember taking it. I'm completely clueless about the Inderal. I didn't write it down, but I'm not sure whether or not I took it. I took it anyway, because I didn't want to deal with a Migraine.
I'm dizzy. My eyes are really messed up. My legs keep collapsing, and the left one keeps doing this really intense spasm thing.
My pulse is ok, about 75 or 80, so I don't think that it's an issue of taking extra Inderal. I'm almost sure that I didn't take it this morning anyway. It's more the Lamictal that I'm not so sure about. I've missed my Lamictal dose before though, and this didn't happen.
Yes, I'm a little nervous about tomorrow, but that's not it either.
I guess I'll see what happens. I'm going to try just staying in bed for a bit.
I really should get one of those plastic med box thingees, that have compartments so that you can tell whether or not you took your pills.
Something's really not right. I don't like this.
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