4:43 PM - 3/2/06
~almost there
It took two nurses three tries and about 15 minutes to get a vein. I know, it doesn't sound like that long, but when they're digging around in there, it feels like forever.
The IV's in my left forearm. Tomorrow's the last dose.
Hopefully this crap won't take too long to get out of my system.
I do not like feeling like this at all.
5:43 PM - 3/2/06
From: b_______u
don't mean to pry but only a question.why do you need all the ivs and meds?
I don't think that you're prying. There's plenty on my blog to fill you in, if you're up for reading. My links are at the top, they'll fill you in a bit. My archives are there too, but it's a lot to read.
I'm in the process of being treated with IV Solu-Medrol for PRMS. That is 'Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis'. Simply put, my immune system is actively attacking my central nervous system, slowly and painfully killing me.
Yeah. Not too much fun. I just keep writing because I still can, and it's about all I can do sometimes to feel like I actually still exist, or matter, or something.
Don't mean to sound too grumpy. It's been a long day.
From: b_______u
cutter i think i may have the answert to your prayers if you are willing to take the time to hear my offer and willing to spend a small amount of money on it. it will be better than what ever they are giving you and will get you back on your feet and build your immune and nervous systyem back up. i take it everyday and believe me you will be able to feel the difference. but the choice is yours. sincerely b_______u
I'll leave off my reply. It wasn't anywhere near nice.
6:38 PM - 3/2/06
To Whom It May Concern,
Cutter does not play well with others on most days, let alone on day 4 of his IV Solu-Medrol treatment.
Please remind Cutter of this, so that he can be aware of it in the future.
A concerned citizen
p.s. - He also runs with scissors. Please advise him not to.
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