Wednesday, March 15, 2006

~White Power, Mama!

4:33 PM - 3/15/06

When you're suffering from rage, and it seems to have no logical source, sometimes, you just lash out at whatever is there. Sometimes you start lashing out at things that you don't even know are there. Sometimes your own personal, deep rooted issues take over, and you hurl shit at those you incorrectly perceive to be your enemies.

My mother is German. Aryan. The man I was told was my was my father, whose name is on my birth certificate, is Jewish. My mother converted to Judaism, although by Orthodox standards, she didn't do it right, and so she was not really Jewish in their eyes. I'm pretty sure she converted after I was born, but I'm not 100% sure... but I am sure that her conversion was deemed "no good" by the orthodox Jews.

All that extra detail to say, that technically speaking, I'm not Jewish, but I was surrounded by the culture throughout my young life. My young life wasn't the best.

Currently, my mother is one step away from being a full fledged Christian bible thumper. The Church and "God" are her life. (Don't go there. I'm not stupid.) Anyway, long before being "born again" or whatever it was that happened to her (I have my theories.), she re-married another Jewish man. After that didn't really work out, she spent most of her time trying to hook up with men at her local synagogue. She eventually hooked up with another Jewish man, and stayed with him until she decided to try out the local "African American" community.

The first professional tattoo I ever got was of the Nazi Eagle.

It's all about growing up.

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