Wednesday, March 22, 2006


3:10 PM - 3/22/06

I guess that it's pretty obvious that I'm working through a lot of personal shit while dealing with this project.

I'm sorry that I'm being sort of vague in my entries, but I'm doing my best to keep this about myself, and the MS. There are plenty of stories I could tell, some of them funny, some of them horrifying, but I'd rather try to stay focused on just conveying what the MS was doing to my head.

I suppose that in the process, I'm making it clear what my head still does. Stress is very bad for MS. Reading things I wrote while at my worst is stressful. Thinking about my past is stressful. Acknowledging the damage done to people around me is stressful.

I really never meant to hurt those I cared for... but I know that I did. I never meant to hurt those who cared for me, but I know that I did.

That said though, a lot people treated me pretty horribly too. I guess it's just part of life.

MS or no, we all make mistakes.

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