Wednesday, March 24, 2004


(original topic (in italics) posted 03/23/04 @5PM or so)

All the people on the planet are about to vanish... except for 10.

Pick 9 that you'd want with you. (a note: just assume that things will be ok in the long run, no pressure to repopulate the planet. This question is more about naming the 9 most important people in your life. ;) )

Well, here's my list:

Jb (her son)
Mk (L.'s husband)
Wr (L.'s daughter)
Sv (leaving all other board people out, because I can't choose! )
Jm (Sv's husband)

This question is a sort of "challenge", I suppose. One of those "If you had to choose" types of things. I just went with the people I feel the closest to, and their spouses/children if they had them.

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