Retro topic posted 3/17/04:
Do you think that Were's are better at expressing themselves, worse, or just the same as non-Weres? Is the way one masters or cannot master language a part of what makes a Were a Were?
- from a topic originally posted by M.) on 1/12/01
I've given thought to it over the last few years (since the time the original thread was posted), but I sort of feel like I hit a brick wall when I arrived at the "If you're a Were, then I'm not one" point.
I guess, thinking about people who call themselves "Were", and not people I consider to be "Were like me", that language has nothing to do with it... not written or spoken or even how they process things. If I take out the "Were like me" folks, then to the best of my observation, all being a "Were" means is that you have a thing for animals and want a term to make you feel special. Then, I think I'm a bit jaded.
As for "Were like me" Weres, I don't know that it's so much the use of language that is a characteristic, but the ability to communicate without it. I know that if I'm with another Were, I usually have more problems if we try to actually talk then if we don't. Usually a grunt or the raise of an eyebrow will do it, and a bunch of words will do nothing but make a mess. (I think that this is what you were referring to in your post, Sv.)
That said... I also think I talk too damn much.
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