Retro topic posted on 3/22/04 @noon:
(Vampire related, but not specific)
What is blood to you? Is it food? A liquid substitute for a good meal? Is it sensual? Sexual? Is there an emotional 'charge' from it? How much of a "turn-on" is the rush of sensuality, and how much of it is a psi-feeding thing (aka a 'rush' of 'elemental' energy?) Is it a 'connection' with the person donating the blood?
(Were related, but not specific)
With predator/prey relationships, is it just a dead animal or an energy exchange?
- from a topic originally posted by "A." on 2/24/01
I can't remember the last time I ingested human blood, other than my own. It all came along with feeling/becoming more and more violent. It was, once, a simple craving for blood. To some degree, it still is. In fact, as I write this, my mouth is watering at the thought.
I started calling myself a Vampire when I was about 14. I took blood from those willing to give it. I drank my own constantly. Along with that was realizing ways in which I differed from others. The term "Vampire" just made sense.
Today, even more so than with the term "Were", I feel that the label no longer applies. Although I've managed to find a few "Were-like-me"s, I've yet to find even one "Vampire-like-me".
I've come to think that it's possible that my blood cravings are attached to the whole "Were" thing... it's a food thing, not a sex thing or an energy thing. Every last person I've met or spoken with who calls themself a Vampire gets things from blood and feeding from other humans that I simply do not get. Too, every other "Were-like-me" I've met has had the same "I want to eat/attack people" thing going on.
There is a "recharge" that happens after drinking human blood, but I can get that type of recharge from other foods too (although to a lesser degree). I don't need to drink blood for Psi-energy. It doesn't turn me on. It's not a ritual. It's just food... a "favorite food", so to speak... a food that carries a pretty potent recharge effect and satisfies something in me that little else can. It's like the difference between eating a PowerBar and a bowl of pasta. It's a food charge, not some sort of magickal, dramatic, erotic, mysterious, spooky ritual.
It's tough to put into words. I used to call myself a "WereVamp", that fit a little better. I guess I'm getting tired of all the labels though. I'm just Jon who really likes drinking human blood, and often craves it to the point of it feeling like a "need".
The biggest problem has been that people revolt me though. Syringe donors are my preference. I have no desire to smell the stench of most people. It's actually nauseating most of the time. Most humans smell worse to me than dogs do to most people.
The web has made me think a lot about labels... and has caused a lot of them once attached to me to slide off. I'm ok with that. In life, I've been a lone wolf, for the most part. I keep my distance. I stalk (in the legal way). I hunt (in the legal way). I get what I need, for the most part. Sometimes it just takes a while, that's all.
Dead animals are dead... but I can relate to the feeding vs. eating thing. I know what you mean there. It's a lesser degree than feeding from (live) human blood, but it's still a charge/recharge. I can't get it from lettuce though, only meat. Live human meat? Well... I have meds to take when that craving threatens to get the best of me.
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