Tuesday, January 25, 2000


Although I do not know you as a person, it is quite obvious where your interest lies, in so far as religion is concerned. I do not fault you for it, and in fact, I admire your dedication to what you believe in. I do wonder though, whether you have given serious thought to certain aspects of evangelism. Not that I think you should change your mind about it - to the contrary - I think that it's a noble pursuit. What I mean is that the way you seem to be going about it seems... well... not very effective. If you stand back and look at yourself from an outsider's perspective, you'll see that the Christians around you take to you rather well, but those who are not Christians do not. That's a bit of what I meant by wanting to hear your words rather than the words out of the bible. In fact, I think that your constant "God Bless"s and praises of your lord for all to see is hindering your ability to reach those who do not follow Christian tenets. It is my understanding that the purpose of evangelism is to reach out to those who have not "found Christ". My friend, those who have steered clear of Christianity will turn away from those sorts of words. They'll stop reading as soon as they hit the word, "God". I think that it might be useful to think about other ways to guide others toward what you perceive to be the path of the righteous. Sometimes, saying, "Stop being such an ass towards him! I'm sure that you don't like being singled out like that! What's the problem?" works 1,000 times better than, "Christ told us to love thy neighbor as thyself." Christ had some good ideas... but quoting scripture or even referring to those ideas as his all the time might actually serve to make people run from the idea. See what I'm saying? The references to Christ and other biblical figures works well on Christians, even on those who might be considering "straying from the flock", so to speak, but to those who are anti-Christian and may be in need of some of the bible's wisdom, those references will only serve to cause them to close their ears.