Thursday, March 15, 2001

(Blood Is Blood....) cont'd

I just wanted to add something here... just in case people get the wrong idea.

My opinions are my opinions. The more I hear opinions that are different from mine, the more my opinions can change. My opinions are based on my experience.... and on my logic. The more I hear from others, the more information I have to base my opinions on.

My definitions of Vampires, etc. may well change. (some people call that being a hypocrite, I call it growing and learning.) The same goes for what I consider to be "Were". In case people don't read every topic on this here board, I've even questioned whether or not I should even call myself "Were" based on what others have called "Were" because I just don't fit the bill 100%.

Labels are labels... terms are terms. I use terms in an attempt to have people understand what I'm talking about, not in an attempt to tell everyone what to think. There are a few instances where I attempt to get people to change their definitions, but that's only because their definitions are harmful or hurtful, IN MY OPINION (like my stance on what a woman is and what a man is), but generally speaking I use labels and terms loosely and based on my experience. One person who says "I AM AN "X" and I don't fit your definition of "X"", can cause me to question my definition of "X". (Hopefully that makes sense.)

I really hope that people feel free to educate me (no matter how many times you have to repeat yourself or argue your point). It's one of the main reasons I'm still online.

Wednesday, March 14, 2001


I, on the other paw, consume Silver Bullets at an alarming rate... I'm thinking that maybe there is a rare breed of wolf called a Coorswolf that I am magically bonding with.


I do prefer whiskey though... always did... hence the fact that my stomach cannot tolerate it anymore.

I'm stuck being a Coorswolf now... sometimes a CoronaPuppy, and at times I risk being a RedWolf, a RedDog or BudLizard... and if I'm really daring, a GuinessFreak. A good portion of my stomach was sacrificed a few years back to the mighty God of Bourbon-Whiskey... Mr. Jack Daniels. (Do stomach linings ever grow back entirely? I've never researched that.)

Friday, March 9, 2001

(Blood Is Blood....)

I'm sure that it's impossible to detail the entire original conversation here... but it was a good one. It's a topic that I've often attempted to address on the boards, but it somehow ends up always branching out... going WAY off topic... usually ending up as a conversation about sex.

It was just one more conversation about labels (obviously one of my favorite things to talk about). It's about defining what is a Vampire, what is a psi-Vamp, what is a blood-fetishist, etc., etc. My own definitions may not be identical to everyone else's... but they make sense to me. I share my definitions with others in order to be understood... not in an attempt to impose them on others. By other's standards, I may be TOTALLY wrong... but that's ok... I really don't mind.

To attempt to sum it up... my definitions are as follows:

Psi-Vamp - One who requires an above average amount of Psi-energy in order to stay healthy and functioning.

Blood-Vamp - One who requires ingesting blood in order to stay healthy and functioning.

Blood-Fetishist - One who sexualizes or sensualizes blood.

I don't know that I've really met any other 100% Blood Vamps. Usually the people who dub themselves "Blood Vamp" are Psi-Vamps with a Blood fetish or a Blood/Psi combo. To derive psi energy from blood is still psi-feeding. If you can only feed in a sensual or sexual situation, then it is a fetish as well. To me, a Blood Vamp doesn't care whether the blood comes from a syringe or a cut... all that matters is the blood. It is the blood that the Blood Vamp needs... not the psi-energy, and not the interaction with the donor. (Speaking of Donors... I see most as psi-Vamps and/or Blood Fetishists as well.)

In my time online, I've not met anyone I'd dub "Blood Vamp" without adding "Blood Fetishist" or "Psi-Vamp" to that title. I've asked and asked... but it always comes down to talking with folks who are turned on by drinking or donating blood, or who crave the psi-energy they obtain from feeding along with the blood.

Perhaps I should just ask the question this way:

If you could ONLY "feed" in private, from a syringe... and the blood (although free of disease) was always from an unknown donor... would you be content? Would you even be interested in it?

By my definition, if the answer is no, then you're not 100% Blood Vamp... you also need the psi-energy and/or the sexual/sensual/intimate interaction.

My main reason for focusing on this topic is that I find NOTHING even REMOTELY sexual/sensual about blood. It's NOT a turn on. I have tried... because one partner or another was turned on by it... but even though I tried, I just could not attach the two any more than I can get turned on by eating a salad while having sex. Eating for nourishment and sex just don't mix for me... I'm just not a frequenter of the edible underwear isle. As well, I almost never psi-feed from blood, although I do know that it is possible to do. Generally speaking, if I psi-feed, I do it in other ways. I'm no more the psi-Vamp than the average person (and I do believe that all people psi-feed, although not all are psi-Vamps). Basically... I'm a Blood Vamp. It irks me when I have to engage in intimate contact in order to get blood... I'm not a physically intimate person. It's usually a trade off... I get the blood and pacify the Blood fetishist or Psi-Vamp that is my donor... it's often that feeding ends up draining me of psi-energy, not the other way around. I feel better on a physical level after ingesting blood... but most often NOT on a psi-energy level. It's rare that I come across a donor that will just give me blood without expecting anything in return, although I've come across a few. If nothing else, they expect me to become close to them. They refuse to just be a hamburger.

Blood is blood. If you attach anything to it, it's you doing the attaching. It's no more powerful in and of itself than the average Big Mac is to a hungry person. To me, all the stuff that has been attached to blood is just romanticizing and holding on to old traditions and superstitions. Yes, blood keeps people alive... but so does skin... so does water... so do a lot of things. Whether it's about vitamins or anything else, to me, a Blood Vampire is a person who is much healthier because of ingesting it. There are other aspects of being a Vampire... things on the mental and spiritual levels, but that's another can of worms. On the physical level... that need for blood AS FOOD is what causes me to dub one a Blood Vampire.

Thursday, March 8, 2001


ok... before I start this rant (and I know that it will be a rant, because I DO tend to do that), I'd like to point everyone in the direction of the "Welcome to the board" post in the "No Reply At All" section.

This is where the "rules" are posted. There's nothing too strict in there... I don't like rules, they make me break out in hives. To sum one of them up here though... If there's someone at my party you don't like, don't come in just to start a fight. If you do, then they have the right to ask me to ask you to leave. This board runs on a seniority and activity basis. If you were here first, you can pull rank... as long as you're an active member. Basically that means that if you post once, then vanish for 3 months, then come back and attempt to pull rank, it's not going to fly... but if you're a member who posts regularly you can ask me to boot someone if they came in here just to start trouble with you.

I don't boot people based on their opinions. I might argue an opinion, but I'll never ban or censor someone just because we don't agree. There are those who exist on these types of boards only to spark conflict and arguement in an attempt to get attention that they cannot seem to find elsewhere. I don't go for that... there are plenty of other boards to do that on. If you have a bone to pick and you're already an active member, go for it, but please don't come here ONLY for that reason. Come here because you like the board and want to contribute and participate, not because you need to throw sand in the face of one of my members. Sand can easily be thrown by e-mail or on another board that has no problem with that. The only sand I don't mind seeing thrown in here is sand from the sandbox we're already playing in together. Hopefully that makes sense, but if not... please feel free to question me and force me to clarify myself.

I started reading through a few of the topics in this here "Shifters" section. My time away stopped me from really reading everything. I had time to scout the board quickly, but no real time to post. There always seems to be so much to say... I never seem to have the time though... or the clarity to form words that make a whole hell of a lot of sense to anyone other than myself. I did read a bit though, hence this post and the mass of energy I'm throwing out to whomever feels the need to munch on it.

I've got more issues that anyone I've ever met. I'm the reason why "issues" is spelled just like "tissues"... once you deal with one, the next one pops right up. I'm known as "Mr. Raw Nerve" for a reason. If anyone, I understand that we can't all get along. I also know that when I bitch about something, I'm usually guilty of doing exactly what I'm accusing the other person of doing. I'm a hypocrite, a liar, unfair, whiny, and snotty... and dreadfully human. Human is the strongest Wereside I have. Believe me when I say that I have NO problem with people venting on this board... and that I have NO problem with others expressing their discontent. I'll be the first one to get into a flame war if that's what it takes to get to the root of the problem. Emotions exist... shit happens... and life's a bitch that pisses on your leg. That just can't be helped.

So... PLEASE fight things out if you need to. Conflict is natural and resolving conflict is, although sometimes rather difficult, rather energizing and educational... but PLEASE don't come to my board JUST to start a fight. This isn't a boxing ring, it's a place for having adult minded, intellectual conversation (with a few spaz-outs because it's actually part of being adult).


p.s. - if you've nothing to say about the above rant, please feel free to discuss whether or not you think that "WereHuman" is redundant or valid.


Sometimes it's pretty rough for me to explain the difference between my totem animals and my "Weresides" because of the whole "Polywere" thing. Sometimes I think that I just want to trash the whole "Were" label and simply call myself a "shifter"... as I see Humans as animals. Some that I've talked to have insisted that it is having a nonhuman animal that makes one a "Were". I don't agree, but that's just my opinion. That's a little off the topic though, so... Anyway...

One of the main differences (to me) between a "Wereside" and a "Totem-Animal" is that in order to have a "Wereside" one must be a "Were"... a "Wereside" is either another self or an aspect of oneself, and a "Totem Animal" is more like a guide or guardian spirit which is not connected to or part of the self. Like I said, this is a tough question for me, because of being a Polywere (or "shifter"). I don't know that there is any animal that I cannot shift to... and so in order to explain which is a Totem and which is a Wereside, I sometimes have to get pretty damn analytical. I can never seem to explain things to people really well when talking about all of this. I always feel like even though I can tell the difference, I can't explain it to other people in a way that they will be able to understand the difference. Many people don't believe in Weres, and so the only way to have them understand me is to speak only of totem animals... this bugs me because it seems that my explanations vary from person to person and I come off as being quite hypocritical. I just try to explain things so that the person I'm talking to gets the point, and the explanation might vary because some people see things quite differently than others do. For this post though, I'll assume that people do actually believe in "Weres"... so... I'll try it this way... I usually call something a "totem animal" when it is an animal that represents me... not when it is an animal that IS me. For example, Wolf is one of my totem animals... I am much like a wolf in my ways and life-path, and the spirit or essence of wolf often guides me. Wolf is ALSO a "Wereside"... meaning, I "SHIFT" to wolf... or towards wolf, whatever you want to call it or however you want to see it.... I BECOME wolf... become trans-specieal, if you will. I hope that makes some sort of sense. Without going into the whole MPD thing too much, a Totem animal would be outside the "system" and a Werside would be part of the "system" or an aspect of one of the people in the "system".

I think that many people have multiple totem animals, but I'm inclined to think that no matter how many a person has, there tends to be one that is most "dominant". (It gets tricky with me, as I'm many people... but each one of us has a dominant totem animal, even though we have many. If you took all 18 of my dominant animals, I guess that you could create a totem for this body... and then depending on the day or minute or whatever, one of those animals would be the dominant totem-animal. As I've said... VERY CONFUSING and I'm a little bugged that I don't feel that I've explained myself clearly. I think that the dominant totem animal is the animal that is seen as the "Spirit Guide". If you're a "Medicine Card" user, it'd be the animal in the "East", I think... basically, the first card you draw. (By the way, I've found that the "Medicine Card" deck is incredibly accurate, at least for me.) It's all a matter of perspective though.

Again, it's not the easiest question in the world for me to answer... I just hope that in chasing my tail I'm actually amusing the hell out of someone other than myself/ves.

If you want to read "Clan of the Cave Bear", it touches a lot on the totem animal thing... and it's also a really good read. (A bit off in so far as the historical accuracy and such, but good none the less.)