Monday, June 25, 2001

Just like everyone else?

[My original question posed (06/23/01 10:41 AM) - Suddenly the entire world is devoid of gender. All people are hermaphrodites, utterly androgynous in personality and form. The culture reflects this, as does all human interaction. You are still you. Living in this world, would you still want to stay a woman/female - if you are one now, or a man/male - if you are one now? (as opposed to becoming a Hermaphrodite just like everyone else) Why?]

I guess that I did a really piss-poor job of wording this question. I think that what I was attempting to ask/discuss was basically, If the tables were reversed and you were one of the very few on the planet who was other than an androgynous hermaphrodite, would you want to stay that way or would you (like many transexuals and intersexed people do now) opt for surgery in order to feel more "normal". Does being different make life hell? Absofuckinglutely. I was curious about whether or not you think that you could endure that hell... or maybe feel that "God" has something to do with it... or really think that not fitting in would not be an issue... etc., etc.

I mean, think about it....

There IS no male and there IS no female. No he's or she's or hers or hims. You have no mother, no father, just parents. You have no role models... you've heard rumors of others like you, but they all live either camouflaged as "normal" people or live a life of being discriminated against.

You're a freak.

You're missing parts.

What?!? You have no penis?!?!?! What?! No vagina!??! How do I have sex with you? Or maybe you get lucky and find a person with a fetish... ooooh, wow, you have no vagina, that really gets me hot. Can I look at you? Oh, no... sorry, I could never be seen in public with someone like you. Do you know what that would do to my career? What do you think my family would say?

Have fun dating.

Every doctor you go to sees you as a guinea pig and the expressions on the faces of medical professionals when they're just checking you out for a cold makes you know that they're freaked. All of a sudden, your genitals are important to examine, even though all you have is a runny nose. Even while growing up you were seen as an oddity and regularly "studied" by medical professionals.

You have to pay for that therapy though... the therapy that helps you get over the molestation.

Both cops and people in general often beat people like you to death, because after all, you're nothing but a freak of nature. Often, you are referred to as "it". Even your parents have said it about you. They don't know what you are.

Now... about that surgery? Don't worry, afterwards you'll blend well... you just might not ever be able to have sex again and the risk of infection is rather high. You'll have to pay for it yourself, but no worries there, if you get the cheap surgery it might only run you 15 grand or so. What? What do you mean no one will hire you? Paper trail? Oh, don't be silly, discrimination isn't legal! There's really no need to hide the fact that you were once gendered. Maybe you just need to try to blend in more? You know, they do sell prosthetics you can use in the meanwhile... But hey...

it's your CHOICE.


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