Monday, October 28, 2002

(The point of the board.)

This board is closed as a general conversation board. Please go to (The transfer board), that's where we've migrated to.

I've gathered people's archives together for their viewing. Some people have MANY archived posts, some have only a few. If you are one with many, your section will be open to you (but ONLY you). Feel free to use your section as an online journal for yourself, or as a way to get in touch with me. I completely SUCK at e-mail, so it might be quicker to reach me this way.

If you do not have a section and would like to view any archives I might have of yours (they'll be hiding in a section called "Assorted"), please e-mail me and I'll move them into the section called "Viewing" for a while and I'll fix it so that you (and ONLY YOU) can view them. That way you can save them if you desire to do so.

Thanks for all your time and effort that you put into (this board)... and that many of you are now putting into the new (transfer board).


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