Saturday, December 7, 2002

Today's thoughts

Shaved my head today. It had grown in about an inch. I'm getting more and more lazy in my "old age".

I had an interesting thought while in the shower. Seems I always have interesting thoughts in the shower.

When did I get so scared?

I remember being a teenager. Scared of nothing. What the hell happened to me since then to make me so damn scared of everything?

I think that, inside, we're all exactly who we were at the age of 16. We spend our 20s trying to "do right" and "be adult". By the time we hit 30 or so, we figure out that we really did have all the answers at 16. Somewhere along the line we just forgot them.

I'll never be 16 again, but I'll be damned if I spend the rest of my life being afraid of the world.

Maybe in our 30's we learn how to undo our 20s.

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