Wednesday, July 23, 2003

I hate people

Right now I'm still so embarrassed and angry that I'm shaking.

I'm embarrassed that I trusted someone... that my gut was wrong.

Someone dripped their homophobia and ignorance all over me.

I'm beyond angry.

On another board where I am moderator, one of the other moderators insulted someone and used their privilege to impose their morals onto a new poster.

My instinct is to never post on that board again.

I am glad that this is online life. I don't know that I could contain my rage if it was offline.

People like that have made my entire life a living hell. I have no room for them in my life, online or off.

I can only hope that something is either done or said by someone other than me. I won't say anything. The only thing that will come out of my mouth is the flame of a Dragon.

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