Tuesday, August 7, 2001

on cloning (an outburst)

There's been some talk in the news lately... people are planning on cloning a human within about a year's time.

So many people going ape shit about this.

Funny how most of them have had children or are capable of having children with their partners.

I say let the rest of us who cannot have children of our own without the assistance of modern medicine or some sort of divine intervention decide.

Advances in genetics may well lead to the ability to splice the dna of people... without needing eggs and sperm...maybe some day it will be possible for gay couples to have children who are biologically part of both of them. I say we ask the Homosexual population about all of this.

Cloning might well lead to the ability to grow new limbs... and other body parts lost to disease and injury. I say we ask some amputees and women who have battled breast cancer for their take on it.

I think the breeders should shut the fuck up.

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