Friday, May 17, 2002

(U.S.) Single Sex Schools

Well, I can see this from many perspectives... but there are 2 main reasons why I'd have to vote "con".

1. I don't support anything which supports the delusion of 2 sexes.

2. If people want to have schools of this sort, let them create private schools. The government should NOT be supporting them in any way, and frankly, in a court of law, I don't even know if these schools could stay segregated if challenged. An all girls school discriminates against boys, and an all boys school discriminates against girls.

I remember when Central High School (the top of the heap public High School at the time, in Philadelphia) was forced to go coed. It was the same year I started High School (1983/1984 school year). The reason they made it coed, from what I can recall, was because it was the #1 school, and it wasn't fair that girls were not able to get the best education, just because of their sex. Central's sister school (#2 in the ranks - Philadelphia High School For Girls) was left alone. Something tells me that even if they made Girls' go coed, the name of the school would have deterred quite a few boys from attending though... and if not, I'm sure that most parents wouldn't allow their sons to be called girls because of the social stigma alone. ( I won't get into that. *grumble grumble... cough cough*)

1 comment:

nexy said...

i heard a piece on npr a couple of days ago about a few places, in the southeast u.s. i believe) that are going back to same sex education.