Monday, December 15, 2003

Scars (1)

When I was younger, one of the ways my mother tortured me was to "not allow" me to cut my hair.

As my mouth developed, her ways of torturing me multiplied.

About the age of 14, I took things (like scissors) into my own hands. I was punished, yes, but what scarred me even more were comments that were made by others.

If you go to my web page and look at the 14 year old pic, this is the time period I'm talking about.

One of my relatives, who shall remain nameless, reacted to me by tell me that my hair looked very "feminine".

I really need to know. Do I look "feminine" in that picture? I don't want to be pacified, I want honest input. If I really did look feminine, I can deal with that... but I really just want to know.

having issues.

1 comment:

chembear said...

No, you do not look feminine.