Tuesday, August 3, 2004

~Repeat after me

Another day of purging.

I slept for a little while. Two rounds, I think. 6:40 and 8 or so, from what I can recall.

There's a lot I want to do today, and a lot I have to do. Paying the rent is on the agenda, as is the therapist. Hair cutting can be put off, but I'm not liking my current fuzzy state. I'm so vain. I probably think this blog is about me.

Tips and mantras for an easier purge:

If you have to keep a thing in order to remember someone, and that person is still alive, how caring and present in your life is that person? Get rid of it!

Make someone's day and give something of value to Good Will or Salvation Army. Let the potential smile on someone else's face make you feel good.

You bought it once, you can buy it again.

If you need your things to show others who you are, how strong of a person are you?

You can't take it with you. You could die tomorrow. Let go.

Memories live in hearts and minds, not on bookshelves.

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