Wednesday, November 21, 2001

an old one

Sitting in the park. There's some sort of festival or something here today. I found a place to sit, but the park's pretty crowded. A lot of stands and booths and stuff. There's a guy playing guitar and singing. His voice reminds me of Kristen Hall's. He's taking a break now though. It's hot out, but at least out here in the shade there's some form of air. My apartment is pretty stuffy.

Want to smoke, but I'm sharing this bench with another person. I don't want to annoy her. What a strange world this is. I worry about a cigarette while trucks pass by less than 100 yards away from me. It's a hypocritical world.

Found myself thinking, on the way here, about people's past view of kids and Africans. Being that, in the past, African people were thought to be lower than human, why were there so many African-American "nannies"? Was it because people secretly trusted African-American women, or because they didn't really care about their kids? There were no child labor laws way back either. Perhaps seeing your children as things was the way back then. It's no wonder we are where we are.

There was once a trial, in the Christian church, to determine whether or not women had souls. (By one vote it was decided that they did.) Wonder what the view of children was. Did they get a trial; or was it not even a question?

This guy is doing all cover tunes. He's really not that great. Well, at least he has the guts to get up there.

So many people... Yesterday, most were in suits and stern faces. Today they're dressed "casual", pushing strollers or cruising for someone to create the need for a stroller with. To my left there's a stand where bottled water is being sold. Sad. In front of me, near the guitarist, is a flower stand. Profit from the earth. Sad. This is supposed to be a festival... a happy thing. Why then, am I feeling disgust? What am I missing? If people like this sort of thing, why isn't every day like this? I suppose that in order to sell the water and flowers, as opposed to giving them away, people must "work". They must pollute the other water so that bottled water is a NEED. They must pave the forest and fields, so that flowers are scarce. They must sell their souls to feel self-worth.

Wish this guy would stop singing out of his nose.

There are no squirrels here today. I guess they know better.

The guitar man is trying to cover an Indigo Girls song. This is painful to the ears.

To my far left is a rather large inflated Tyrannosaurus Rex. Perhaps one day, a large inflated Homo Sapiens Sapiens will grace the festival of the supreme cockroaches. Wonder if there'd be bottled water there too.

Got a bug bite. It's good to know that I'm useful in some way.

Wonder how long I can sit here. Need cold. Want somewhere cold to sleep. Want to feel healthy. Want to feel positive. So tired.

Why do people feel the need to torture themselves every day? They "work out", abusing their bodies until their muscles swell in agony. They work at jobs which they hate. They dress in clothes that are uncomfortable and walk in shoes not meant for any human's feet. Isn't torturing one's self daily unhealthy? Perhaps there's some sort of higher plan. Perhaps by manipulating people to torture themselves, someone else doesn't have to do it. Slaves that whip themselves. Wonder. Who's running this place anyway?

The bugs are starting to get to me, and I'm sweating. Guess I should go home, at least there, there's a fan. I think that it very well may be a lot less torturous than this "festival".

© 1997 (by JBW)

1 comment:

labellamorte said...

This is absolutely beautiful...

I love it, it makes me smile, and sniffle a bit.