Sunday, November 18, 2001

The Pentagram

The pentagram - or, five pointed star, has long been a symbol that I call my own. There are a number of reasons for this, many things that I feel it represents, but for now, I'll just go into one of them.

In life, I believe, there are five main levels of being... or 5 levels that a person should focus on to be, pretty much, the best they can be. (Sometimes I believe that there are only three, but it depends on the day you ask me. ) The pentagram, to me, represents those 5 levels. The levels are: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Intellectual, and Spiritual. How one chooses to live their life will determine which level points up or down, etc.

The Physical - good health, good shape, etc.
The Emotional - a good balance of sensitivity... not numb and not too oversensitive
The Mental - your talents, how well your brain and body interact, your personalitiy traits
The Intellectual - what you know, how much knowledge you have stored in your noggin
The Spiritual - your number and variety of experiences (soul age too, for those who believe in that) and how well in touch with and true to yourself you are

1 comment:

labellamorte said...

I'm glad that I have your words to read, and that I'm able to reflect upon my life through your thoughts.

Thank You, for some reason, this entry helped me feel more "grounded".