Monday, August 25, 2003

Set up... (II & III)

- you can ignore the 60 x 60 (avatar) rule on this board. Try keeping it under 120 pixels in width and under 30 kb in file size though. It just helps with the speed and appearance of the board.

As for what you can or cannot post or say, just use your judgement. If you're really not sure, feel free to ask. Generally, I don't delete posts. The exceptions would be porn, material that is extremely hateful (racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.) or posts that bash someone here. (We've had a couple of those in the past. *shudders*) People are entitled to their opinions. It's just about the way they express them. "Respect" would be the key word, I guess.

As a general rule, threads (topics) you start are yours. Threads another person starts are theirs. Try to stay on topic and follow the person's lead who started the thread, so as not to take away from what another person wants to discuss - but feel free to run your own threads as you see fit.

(8/26/03 - 9:14am)

You can talk about sex. We actually used to have a "Sex, Gender, and Sexuality" section (we used to have a lot of sections). As long as it's not pornographic, it's ok. Per (our host's) rules, keeping it semi-clean is necessary.

Flirting is ok, unless someone asks you not to. (the respect thing again) We all have our own preferences with that, I suppose. For me personally, sometimes it's ok, sometimes it makes me break out in hives. As a general rule, if you're married (not you personally, you in general), don't relate to me in any way your SO would have a problem with. (I have quite a few horror stories.)

I like to see this board as an online place that is as close to being real as possible. Just be yourself.

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