Wednesday, December 5, 2001

Best movies ever

What movies would you pick to show if you had a willing audience for the day and access to any and all movies ever made?

If I were to run the projector, for a movie day for my board members, in an attempt to both enlighten and entertain us all, this would be the schedule:

The pre-lunch movie will be Fight Club (One of the most accurate MPD flicks ever). We will then have our lunch and debate the ending. At about 2PM we will be seeing Harold and Maude (I cannot say anything about this movie that might even remotely come close to expressing my love for it.), followed by some snax and conversation. Around 4PM, we're going to be seeing Same Time Next Year. (The BEST "Chick-flick" of all time!) Afterwards, we'll go to dinner and stare longingly at one another. Post-dinner, you will be viewing The Last Temptation Of Christ whilst I politely excuse myself and retire to the bar.

After the films, y'all can meet me there and, at the least, have a much better understanding of FR.

Hey! Look! Up there on the bar tv!!! It's The Nightmare Before Christmas!!!!

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