Saturday, December 1, 2001

(some board stress)

At the moment, I don't know how much longer I'm keeping (my board) open. I'm sort of tired of having people spit in my face when I bust my ass for them.

Even now, I'm giving (someone) what he wanted. He prides himself on being banned from boards. I guess he can add this one to his list.

I've got some thinking to do.

(12/1/01 3:23 am)

I'm really pretty tired of this shit. For over a year now, I've done nothing but run this board, try to make people happy, do people favors, look the other way, try to keep things interesting, deal with people's attitude problems, be as nice as I can to people, bite my tongue, and keep (my board) a fun place to be. I'm tired. Tired of being slapped in the face, tired of trying to get people to post, tired of coming up with topic after topic and reply after reply... just fucking tired.

I could really use some input right about now.

(12/1/01 2:58 pm)

Just a warning here. Things are about to get A LOT different in the next day or so. Please keep an eye on your e-mail and whatever the case, don't take anything personally. I'm just too fried to deal with much right now, and I'm attempting to save what I can of this board, rather than breaking up what's left of the "family".

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