Sunday, December 16, 2001

The IQ test and my aching brain

Here's a good example of what I've been trying to explain in my recent posts.

Remember the car question from that IQ test... About how far apart the cars are?

The actual answer to that question is that it's impossible to tell... but you're forced to give the answer they want to hear. If you give the "real" answer, (which you'd have to do by not answering the question, because the "real" answer is not listed as an option), your IQ score would drop. Sort of odd, being that in order to figure out the actual answer to the question you'd (in my opinion) have to be a bit more intelligent.

The "real" answer would depend on a gazillion things...

Was there an earthquake?

Did one car drop into the ocean?

Was one car in reverse?

Did one of the cars hit a patch of ice and end up going in another direction?

They don't give you this information, and they're not specific enough for you to really determine the answer.

This is what my head does with every question I'm asked... so... what do I do? Tell people what they want to hear.

Anyway... the reason why I didn't list my score was because when I do, certain people suddenly have higher scores than I know they actually got. I don't know why people need to be so damn competitive, but I figure if I keep my own score private, some of those people will actually post the score they really got. I don't mind telling you people (It was 140), but if I'd posted it at (my public board/community), I guarantee that quite a few 150s would have suddenly appeared.

...enough of my rant.

IQ tests suck dookie.

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