Sunday, August 11, 2002

(The homogenization of America)

It's actually very sad. It's tough too... even boycotting places won't really change things at this point. We're dependent on one another to live... that's the way it has always been. It's the nature of the beast, so to speak. Some people take advantage of that dependence... and seek to make a profit. Because even the government does this, we're dependent upon "evil" people to survive.

If we all boycotted Walmart, every last person in the world, we'd have to go elsewhere to buy things. Because of this, someone else would get the money. With that money, "mom and pop" become the new Walmart.

We're never going to stop needing things. From food and clothing, to jobs and housing... we need one another to live. Even if we reject society and go off to live in a cave somewhere... there are still taxes to pay for the land you live on (unless someone is nice enough to let you stay there for free). That means you need a job... and clothing... and running water to bathe... and a home where you can store your clothing.... etc. etc. etc.

The "homogenization" was inevitable. The more people there are, the more money there is to be made by the few with the ability to make it.

When your life is in the hands of someone else, and that someone else is "evil" (greedy, etc), you become "homogenized". You become a number. YOU do not matter to them.

In the beginning, we thought that we were setting this place up to be run by one another. We'd share the wealth, the power, and the glory... and maintain our uniqueness. We were a group of persecuted, once homogenized, people who rebelled. We tried.

In a while though, we forgot what it was like to be persecuted, and started doing it to others. We forgot how to care for one another. We let "evil" take over. In ourselves... and consequently, in our society.

More more more.

(Thomas) Jefferson wept.


Unknown said...

I still don't shop at walmart, and time has proven that they are extremely evil and deserve boycotting. Costco is a much better "big box" store and has ethics. I believe we DO have to make our decisions based on a store's practices. I will never stop believing that. I don't believe that every mom and pop shop would eventually become wal-mart. Some big stores do just fine without raping human rights.

Cutter said...

"Some big stores do just fine without raping human rights."

True that.

..but... this was back in '02... maybe when we were all a bit more naive, I guess... or, when MalWart was a tad bit smaller, or something.

I think that my point still (at least, sorta) holds up.

Unknown said...

Very true. :)